Tuesday, 23 March 2010

The Marmite cereal bar...

On a very unusual day, where public transport didn't seem to get on with me and stopped me from getting where I wanted to go, a Marmite cereal bar salesman approached me with a hopeful grin. He was gripping a bunch of cereal bars...Marmite cereal bars! I was so bewildered and starving that I agreed to whatever he asked me. As long as I got some food down me, I didn't mind what I did. After filling out what seemed like an endless form and signing it, I thought I could go and get myself a cup of coffee to end the non-eventful day, but he directed me into a photo booth. They expected me to take a bite out of the bar and on a screen where my face would appear, the camera would catch my expression as to whether I loved it or hated it. Surely enough I sat on the unstable stool, wondering to myself why I on earth I agreed to all of this and after "1...2...3...Marmite!" there was a snapshot of my expression that read, why am I here??

The bar was neither to be loved nor hated. It was interesting and I was hungry, I was given four more bars to occupy my rumbling stomach and the taste grew on me. But, it has much more work to do if it expects me to love it. I don't know whether this bar has that love/hate relationship. It's an inbetweener.

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