Tuesday, 9 March 2010

Life of a day dreamer

I find myself sat amongst a crowd of people, whether in a lecture, a tea room, Starbucks or on a bus, and thoughts that could really not be categorised into any topic ramble through my mind. Thoughts that have no relevance to the present but that pop up in a random fashion or that are sparked off by a nearby conversation - not that I eavesdrop - but sometimes it has to be done! Questions, statements that I turn into questions and words that I mull over appear in a flash and use up most of the space that I have in my brain. I decided to write a blog about all those things that everyone secretly thinks about but never talks much about, things that stretch your attention away from those important daily rituals. My thoughts consist of so many different and obscure things but that I'm hoping...others think about too...or at least who visit the thoughts for a second. This will be my account of the life of a day dreamer...in my shoes and in others who roam around me who talk just a little bit too loud - it's as if they want me to over hear their conversation!

1 comment:

  1. i look forward to following your blog posts! :-)
