Saturday, 5 March 2011

Let's drink and observe

My new task that I'm setting myself, after an intriguing hour spent with Daisy Goodwin, Michael Arditti, and William Nicholson is to observe people more.

Writing is largely based on real life; of course there are elements that are completely made up, but to write, you need to get out into the world and experience things. So, every time I go to a cafe or I'm waiting in an incredibly long queue, I'm going to observe people; their body language, fashion trends, their habits. Obviously these people will just be prompts to spark off stories. I'm not exactly going to suddenly know the habits of someone I've just had a glimpse at. But I think that it will be fun and educational...and will hopefully result in a couple good stories!

If not, at least I'll have had a nice coffee.

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