Wednesday, 23 March 2011

Have a great journey

As day dreaming goes, I was on the bus yesterday and as other buses passed me I noticed at the head of the bus the location that is always lit up telling people where the bus is going. Sometimes it has helpful locations, sometimes it says something and you have no idea where it goes but apparently it's the right bus to get on, and most times they say out of service. A crazy thought entered my head while I was thinking about this. Wouldn't it be great if instead of or as well as having 'out of service' , they could have another message that says 'isn't it a great day?' or 'good afternoon Britain!' .......I mean wouldn't that be fun? It would make bus journeys less tiresome, well that's if other buses drove past you which, if you're in London or some other big city is very likely. I reckon we should liven up the roads a little bit.

Sunday, 20 March 2011

The Bullock family

It's nice to see someone making their dream come true :)

The Sellers

What I don’t understand with The Big Issue is how there are so many people that sell it in such different ways. Walking through the town centre I passed one of these sellers and as I was about to say no, thank you with a guilty edge to my words, the seller broke into a cheesy grin. I’m not even exaggerating. He turned to face a business man who was fumbling around for change to buy one of his magazines. The seller looked so happy. His smile was contagious. This business man may have made this other man’s day. I wondered then why there aren’t more sellers of The Big Issue like this one. Why is it that there seem to be fewer of these happy, enthusiastic people selling it? I see sellers that are either begging furiously and saying things like ‘you’ll have a guilty conscience!’ or ones that are sat on the floor whimpering. Surely the magazine would sell more with brighter, cheery people making quirky comments such as ‘come on, drugs and alcohol aren’t cheap’. Yeah, it isn’t entirely decorous, but it’s a joke. And I bet that most people wandering in and out of town would find it funny. I don’t know if it should always be so serious.

Why beg furiously and whimper? It gives The Big Issue a bad name. This publication has a reputation; it is mocked. If the sellers are going out of their way to invade people’s personal space, causing claustrophobia and annoyance, this magazine will simply be hated. What will be associated with this magazine are the words irritating and frustrating. If the sellers huddled up on a shop corner zap everyone with a pang of guilt as they pass by, people won’t want to go anywhere near the sellers; they’ll do their very best to avoid eye contact.

The Big Issue needs more optimistic sellers, offering people not only a magazine, filled with some good quality stuff, but also a free smile. I just think that a magazine would sell a lot better if the person selling it didn’t push away people with their desperation, but instead drew them in with a smile. From a human being to a human being. Not from a frustration to a busy human being. The Big Issue needs a change of reputation and the only way to do it is to change the way it is sold.

Saturday, 19 March 2011


It's incredible how I've lived in Bath for well over a year now and I have only just found the most beautiful parts of the city. Today is warm and the sun is shining on everything. I decided to go on a long walk and explore; we haven't had one of these days in ages and I wanted to make the most of it. I walked and walked and kept walking until I didn't recognise where I was. I love finding new places and seeing new things. It gave me a buzzing feeling and I felt like a proper tourist, snapping away with my camera. There is usually so much more than you think around where you live that you just don't see. We need to do some more exploring! I was so shocked when I realised how little I actually know about the place I live in. But it's a great feeling; fresh and revitalising. I encourage anyone to pick a nice day and venture out to places you don't recognise in the place that you live. It's exciting.

Thursday, 17 March 2011

goodbye early morning walks...

Ok, well it is 9.23AM and I am in bed writing this blog. The 7-9 thing didn't work out. It's not that I couldn't get up, it's that the bags under my eyes are being pulled down by an elastic rope and I haven't been able to think creatively for a while now - which affects me greatly. Also a cold is on its way. If I could go to sleep at a decent time every night I reckon I would be fine, but seen as I seem to have inherited this extremely unhelpful insomnia, waking up at 7 to go on a random walk just doesn't fit into my priorities. Once I get back into a sleeping rhythm where I stop falling to sleep at stupid o'clock hours I will pick up the 7-9 thing again. But for now, a lie in is necessary if I want to do well in my degree that very much requires focus and creative thinking....all that is on my mind is sleep. And there's only so much you can write about sleep - one being a blog.

Wednesday, 16 March 2011

Who needs dentists when you have cheese?

Well, cheese it is I suppose. This article in The Guardian's Life&Style section really interested me. One because I love cheese and two because I hate going to the Dentist. I might just start eating a bit more cheese after my harm in that, I'll quite enjoy it.

Tuesday, 15 March 2011

I can't breathe....I can't bre....

Wearing corset's must have been a complete nightmare for those in the earlier centuries. I mean, they literally pull everything in, leaving no room to breathe. None at all. I went to the Royal Wedding Dress Teas in Bath today which was fabulous; the wedding dresses were elegant, the cakes were delicious and the lecture we were given was really interesting.

I tried on a corset....the first couple I tried on were very large and kept falling off me but then regretfully I found a corset that did fit me and oh how I wish I hadn't found it! I buckled it on me, breathing in so it would click around me and I looked up to the ceiling thinking how on earth did people cope with this on underneath a heavy dress as well?! The women had to dance in these corsets that strangled their air supply, they had to have poise and they had to be polite in them. Who would want to say 'thank-you' and 'good day Sir' when you've got a monster trapping you in some kind of death sentence? They must have had more patience and optimism than I do.

Monday, 14 March 2011

Where oh where is the bus?

I saw the longest queue this morning; I was walking down a hill towards where a bus stop stands and from the bus stop to the top of the hill were student after student, waiting for the bus (that surely could not fit all of them on). It was insane! I've seen long queue's before, I've definitely stood in one myself, but this queue was incredible. It was 8.30 and as I walked past I couldn't help keeping my eyes glued to the floor. I felt like I was walking down some red carpet with hundreds of eyes staring at me. Well, they had nothing better to do than watch other early morning risers I suppose. I tell you who I felt sorry for; the poor guy stood at the end of the queue gawking down as he regretfully joined.

Friday, 11 March 2011

What colour is your front door?

What is your front door like? I walked past a house this morning that had a sticker picture of the film Up on their front door. It brought a smile on my face, and for all who have watched Up will know, it is a very highly rated film for all those romantics. You sometimes see those front doors that have that something special about them; a bright colour washed over it resembling a fun characteristic of the owners, warning signs about pets or the mood that the owner will be in if you're selling anything to them or stickers such as this particular front door had. When you enter a house, there's usually something in there that will tell you something about the owners. Perhaps it's the large amount of family photos scattered around telling you how family-based they are or maybe it's the amount of cats the owner has.....what does that say again? But you rarely look at a front door and see anything special. Maybe it's time to add a splash of personality to our front doors.......first impression is everything remember!

Thursday, 10 March 2011

What to wear?

15 minutes to 9 and I was swinging out of the front door clasping my travel mug full of good morning coffee. I was out, I was up and it was sunny again. I must say it was difficult getting up this morning, but once I forced myself, I was awake and I didn't collapse back into bed. Now it was a sunny morning, but it was not calm. There was a definite strong wind brewing up; every time I tried to take a sip of coffee, my hair would whip me in the face and I would just pull it back and as the saying goes 'keep calm and carry on'. The roads were busy; parents were taking their children to school and every single adult that I crossed paths with held a coffee cup.

What I found interesting today was the weather. I wrapped my thick scarf around me, zipped up my leather jacket and slipped on my knitted gloves. I was a pessimist. As soon as I got going, I was too hot. I had to remove my gloves, take my jacket off and loosen my scarf. I can never get it right. I'll be optimistic and wear just one jumper but then it will be too cold; I'll wear what I wore today and it will be too hot. I can't wait for summer so that I will know I can just go out with either a light cardi in my bag or nothing if we're really positive. Maybe I'll start leaving the scarf at home. I mean, what do you wear late winter to early spring?

Wednesday, 9 March 2011

All For Lent...

Well.......getting up at 7 in the morning everyday has not been entirely successful. Who was I kidding really? I am still aiming though.... It's just when it comes to it, my eyes immediately close- I can't help it - if I was meeting someone like I did at the beginning of the week I would get up. But when I know I haven't particularly got to meet any time deadline, I hit the snooze button or just turn the whole alarm off. I do get up for 9 though, so it's not all bad, but I've came up with an idea. Just as I'm writing this actually.

Ok, so today Lent begins. Now, most people give up something for Lent. I have chosen not to, because I don't think it will mean much, and I don't want to give up something just for the sake of it. So! Instead I am going to try and do something, for 40 days. I am going to try and get up between 7-9 (let's be a bit realistic here) and go for a short walk, with a few tunes to wake me up. I'm going to observe something on my walk and write it down. It might not sound like a challenge or anything special to other people, but for me, I know that it will give me a boost for the day.

So that's my 40 day commitment.

Today, I went for a short walk and noticed the different ways that people dressed; pencil skirt and heels, hoody and converse, short leggings and strappy top. I wondered about whether these clothes could represent the type of people they are; business woman, student, dancer. Is that just a passing judgement or does it really match up?

Monday, 7 March 2011

Whether rain or shine, I will aim

I woke up at 7 this morning wishing that I could fall back into a slumber and ignore the day's wake up call. But as soon as I gobbled up a medley bar, put my cosy coat on and entered the outside world at 8, a smile crept up on my face.

The morning was perfect. It was sunny, still very cold, but the sun was shining, about three people I walked past smiled and said good morning to me and I instantly perked up for the day.

After having a much needed coffee, and a great catch up with a friend, I walked back home and felt so much brighter. I wasn't in the least bit tired, which I usually am when I've woken up at 10 and haven't wandered outside until a lot later, and I had determination set in my mind to get things done. Which I did end up doing. It's difficult to wake up early sometimes, but it can definitely pay off once you're up.

A new goal of mine is to start waking up early and either go for a coffee or just set off on a brisk walk. Whether rain or shine. That is until I see the rain through my window and think, maybe not today, it is raining.... but a goal is a goal; you can't always stick to it now can you? But at least I can aim for it.

Sunday, 6 March 2011

Running for a Passion

The Bath Half Marathon...

One after the other, they jog past me. Their faces are red, their eyes burning with passion and their feet determined to keep them moving. There are so many of them; people are wearing pink wigs to support cancer charities, there are lifeguard supporters, people in Mexican hats, and even people dressed as unicorns to save the unicorns! Around 13 miles each person is running... I can barely do the 3 mile race for life. It's inspiring just watching them all as they run past me, all running to raise awareness, to raise money and to, as simply as that - save lives.

It's amazing to watch them all and see them each with so many different passions; each one has some incentive to keep running, whether it's to run for someone who died from breast cancer, or to support a charity that needs building up.

They're incredible and an inspiration.

Saturday, 5 March 2011

Let's drink and observe

My new task that I'm setting myself, after an intriguing hour spent with Daisy Goodwin, Michael Arditti, and William Nicholson is to observe people more.

Writing is largely based on real life; of course there are elements that are completely made up, but to write, you need to get out into the world and experience things. So, every time I go to a cafe or I'm waiting in an incredibly long queue, I'm going to observe people; their body language, fashion trends, their habits. Obviously these people will just be prompts to spark off stories. I'm not exactly going to suddenly know the habits of someone I've just had a glimpse at. But I think that it will be fun and educational...and will hopefully result in a couple good stories!

If not, at least I'll have had a nice coffee.

The definition of Love

Love is something that not everyone understands. But if you listen to Jaeson Ma's song, Love featuring Bruno Mars, the definition of love might be cleared up a little bit...

Thursday, 3 March 2011

Fancy an Oyster bomb?

Savoury cocktails?.........Seriously?

I always fancy going out with the girls, getting a couple Cosmopolitan's, a Sex on the beach, or a few Martini's and having a laugh - something to release a giggle or two. You know, something for the sweet tooth, a thin slice of strawberry placed on the rim of the Martini glass, a sprinkle of sugar around the rim....a tasty night out.

But something new is coming to our cocktail bar's, and it isn't anything for the sweet tooth - more for the meal before your let-your-hair-down drink. Fancy an Oyster bomb? Or an Egg and Bacon Coupet? Or maybe if you're feeling particularly adventurous, a Squid Ink Sour?

An award-winning barman, JJ Goodman says, "It's interesting to look at how people put flavours together in their mouths but when you create that in a beverage it scares them."


But, a Squid Ink Sour? Really? Well, there's no harm in trying it I suppose. Something like this had to come along at some point.

Now we've just got to get a bit of Dutch courage and drink up!

Flat find

I found a flat!.....And it isn't small. I knew that there were bigger flats around, I just had to keep looking, and by george I found one.

Mary Jane Baxter